Sunday, June 24, 2012

Being your own cheerleader

You may not think this at first but I do actually have an idea in this post. Please bare with me as I get to it though. There is a reason for the idea but to understand the idea, you must also know why the idea was thought of and to maybe begin to understand the need for the idea.

I had a rough 24 hours not too long ago. I had someone post something about their other half being gone for the summer on my Facebook last night. Summer is what 2-3 months? You can still pick up the phone and call them easily right? He might even be able to take some time to come visit you or you visit him right? Okay well then stop the complaining. Because that is so much better then what a Military Significant Other goes through.
If you are not a Military SO, I apologize now if I end up offending you. But take it from one. You go a few days, a few weeks, even maybe a few months without seeing your other half. But that is NOTHING compared to what a Military wife or girlfriend goes through. To give you a slight idea because it will be very hard to understand without fully going through it... we get very little to no communication, we cannot just pick up the phone randomly during down time to say hi, we do not have physical contact while they are gone which if it's a deployment is 6 or more months, when we need support for something difficult from our loved one we don't get it. We have to relay on the phone calls that only come every so often, emails, Skype, other Military SO's, and memories of their touch to get us through the deployment.

If we are having something done that we need our main supporter we can't just say "Hey, Babe, can you take a few days off and come home and take care of me after it all?" Why? Because they work 7 days a week 12+ hours a day. They don't get vacations, days off, nothing. They can't ask for the days off.

Not to mention, they are fighting for our freedoms and a lot of times, that means going into a hazardous area and hoping they don't get killed.

With that being said, I posted a status myself about if you aren't a Military SO, you don't really have a place to complain especially if you know one. I didn't say it in those words but something similar. I have deleted it since then and don't remember but it was something like that just said we have it worse then you really think. I had a "friend" one who I thought should be the most empathic to my situation because she knows my husband and I and see what I go through say some very mean things to this. It of course upset me. Again, she knows us and sees how I am doing. I put on a brave front even in front of her... she must believe it.

Now, I understand every one can miss their other half and you have every right to do so but if you know a Military SO... you may not want to post it in a public place for them to see. Because in comparison you have it easy.

For the main reason of this post and idea. I was talking about it all with my mother and telling her how I don't typically post things about missing my husband or it being hard because I don't want the criticism that I got and end up getting. I just need someone to say supportive things and be a cheerleader and reinforce that brave face I put on, on a daily basis. Because believe it or not... it is hard. She told me to put up notes around the apartment and be my own cheerleader. I shouldn't have to relay on others to get it.

As she said this I remembered I had "Window Crayons" found here and I could do just that. I may not be able to do it everywhere. But I could do it in certain locations. Like on mirrors. So, in our bathroom I have generic sayings such as "You're awesome!" One other place I did it was high on the tile in our shower. This way I have him around. I will probably add some more in the bedroom on our mirrored closest doors but for now I have what made me happy.
This one is the one that I have high on the shower tile.

For those of you who read this, that are Military SO's, I hope this helps and gets you through those hard times or the times when you need that support but no one is really understanding. Become your own cheerleader! We all have those great days when we know we are being strong and awesome and through this idea I'm hoping to remember those and not feel so alone in this deployment.

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